Prayer helps us become one with the Father and have the kind of relationship Jesus had with him. The Bible is filled with stories illustrating God’s desire to have an intimate relationship with his people, and any close relationship involves communication. When two people have no contact with each other, their relationship will never advance. And since prayer is, quite simply, a conversation with God, it is how we get to know him.

On 25th October 2023, our project hosted more than 600 different stakeholders from different departments who came to join us for celebration, prayer and thanksgiving ceremony. The lord has been good to our FCP and we had reason to organize for this event. Our project was overall winner during the Cost and lower Eastern (COSER) front partner project (FCP) partner of year competition and managed to be given ksh 475,000 having won in other different categories. Since the time our church got partnership with compassion, we have seen positive changes in different areas, e.g. many children have joined different universities, colleges and this has been bringing changes in our community.

Because the early disciples were unified in purpose, and because they were committed to the task of reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, God smiled down on them with favor. “. . . and great grace was on all of them” (Acts 4:33). Child development work is not one man’s business and our project has embraced the importance of unity of purpose. We have created good rapport with many stakeholders and this has made our project successful in many areas. We invited many stakeholders such as ACC, OCS, Sub County Children officer, KCB manager, Fame Rescue Centre staff, Health Department staff, media team, NHIF, Iserve Africa Regional staff, parents whose children exited from the program after attaining 22 years and staff from Kitui cluster.

The occasion was attended by; Sub County Education officer, Mr Osman Eno who encouraged the congregants about the importance of education and being responsible on matters concerning education for their children. Men was encouraged to support children education instead of leaving the responsibility to women only

Officer commanding police station (O.C.S) Mr Wilson from Katse police station got an opportunity to explain matters concerning security and procedure the parents should follow when their children are abused.

Sub County Children officer from Mumoni, Kyuso and Tseikuru , Mr Philip Ilai explained the importance of child protection, what his office does i.e. support needy children through presidential bursary and procedure to follow when their children are abused

Assistant County Commissioner from Mumoni, Mr Wachira Sub County also attended the occasion and talked about the issue of insecurity and the measures government has put in place to protect children especially during national examinations and December holiday. He also emphasized the issues of tree planting. Mumoni Sub County has planned to plant 18000 tree seedlings and every person was tasked to plant at least 5 tree seedlings.

We invited Kenya Commercial bank, Mwingi Branch; they assisted 20 caregivers to open a minor bank account for their children. This will help them to save for their children. The bank also supported us with 20 bales of mineral drinking water worth ksh 10,000 as part of their CSR.

The staff from Fame Child Rescue Centre that was sent to represent the manager explained what they do and how Kanzinwa Cdc has been a good partner especially when it comes to matters of child protection.

Iserve Africa Eastern region regional staff emphasized the importance of knowing Christ and how we should allow our children to attend Sunday school.

Athiani local radio station journalist and Mumo TV reporters attended the occasion and interviewed project Director, School head teacher and Sub County children officer. The news about the event was posted during 7pm news. This will make more people to be enlightened about issues of child protection. Link for the event.

The Officer Commanding Police station , Sub County children officer and Assistant County Commissioner got an opportunity to plant tree seedlings at our church compound .