“Clean hands are within reach”
On 15 th of October we at AIC Kanzinwa CDC joined in the international
handwashing campaign day which happens every year aiming at promoting healthy
handwashing habits and as well creating awareness on the role that handwashing
with soap and water plays to stop spread of diseases.
With these year’s main theme been “clean hands are within reach” we took the
front to let our program participants and all children at our school, our teachers and
all other staff that it is possible to embrace the culture of washing hands and so it is
within our reach to have clean hands.
The activities of the day were;
Health education on importance of handwashing.
When to wash hands both at school and at home


Demonstration of hand washing and
Active participation in hand washing.
Our activity took place in 2 phases. PP1-Grade 3 and as from Grade four to class
eight pupils. A total of 227 pupils, 10 teachers,3CDWS and an intern actively took
part in this program.

Through this we had a platform to share that simple washing hands with running
water and soap would help to curb spread of diseases and so reduce diarrheal and
abdominal infections, respiratory infections and at a larger percentage fungal
infections which are a great problem at our FCP.
The participants were very receptive and appreciated to know the critical moments
to wash their hands. They were encouraged to wash their hands properly; which
was well demonstrated to them; after using the toilets, after playing with pets and
soil, before and after eating. The participants were very glad to actively wash their
We are looking forward to see this culture widely embraced at our project not only
by the pupils but also by the staff, part time teachers and cooks. We plan to ensure
that hand washing facilities are availed at sanitary facilities, outside the kitchen and
classes and that this knowledge will be put in action beyond the global hand
washing day because we believe that clean hands are within reach.