KE759 Program participants who did KCPE 2023 joined by other community members during KCPE results celebration
Felix, KE75900272 together with her grandmother
Felix, KE75900272
KE759 Program participants who did KCPE 2023 joined by other community members during KCPE results celebration

Education is a human right, a public good and a public responsibility. Without inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, countries cannot succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty that is leaving millions of children, youth and adults behind.

Our child development Centre understands a rooted education produces successful generations and that is why the FCP leadership is very concerned about the education of the supported program participants.

All primary going children who are supported by our FCP have been schooling at our church-based academy since 2015 and through this initiative of bringing them together; we have seen a lot of positive impacts. We had 15 program participants who did KCPE 2023 and the highest had 387 marks and lowest 296. Out of 15 candidates from our FCP 14 scored more than 300 marks. They recorded a mean score of 353.40 marks having improved from 329.24 marks

Impact of Sponsorship program, Felix Matuku’s education journey story

Felix Matuku, KE075900272, was recruited on 1st June 2012 when he was 3 years old and by that time both his parents were alive but his mother had chronic illness and later passed on in 2015. Felix has been leaving with her beloved aged grandparents who have been taking care of him together with other siblings. He did his KCPE examination last year i.e 2023 and was the top candidate at our FCP with 387 marks. By God’s grace, he will join Kitui High School, one of the most performing national schools in Kitui County. His dream is to become an engineer in the future.We had other two who were selected to join Nationals school and others extra county schools.

He is very grateful for the support church and Compassion International has accorded him.

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