Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. – Warren G. Bennis. Building capacity dissolves differences. It irons out inequalities. Success or failure in business is caused more by the mental attitude even than by mental capacities. The human mind has an infinite capacity for self-deception. We are all functioning at a small fraction of our capacity. A church will never grow beyond its capacity to meet needs. – Rick Warren. In every person there is the capacity to do something really special. A capacity for going overboard is a requisite for a full-grown mind. Power is the faculty or capacity to act, the strength and potency to accomplish something. – George Bernard Shaw.

My mind as a leader and a passionate community development worker is rejoicing in Christ Jesus to see our 10 years existence in this area bear fruits in most of life angles such as food production, commencement of varied income generation activities, saving culture is deep rooted, agribusiness is highly embraced, re-afforestation etc. 15 years ago people around mostly relied on government relief food locally known as Mwolyo, a thing that accelerated laziness and dependency syndrome which in turn exposed people around to political manipulation. I sincerely thank God for His openings via Compassion International Inc. Kenya which has tirelessly both supported and facilitated this community’s positive transform in all the above mentioned sector since when they signed their first ever agreement with AIC Kanzinwa Church on 8th of November 2008. And later introduced an ideal community transform concept here commonly known as Qavah on March 2014. I proudly let you know that within 5 kms radius from the church which our 372 registered beneficiaries come from have a dependable food source since caregivers and villagers embraced agribusiness business trainings and concept that we have been tirelessly and optimistically been training them


Irrigation is the main source of water. We have intensively done agribusiness at our FCP demonstration garden for learning purposes to all and produce food for consumption.


Kelvin Mbiti
Written by kelvin Mbiti-project director.