“Children are an in heritage from God; they are gifts and they ought to be known, loved and
protected” This was the opening statement from the CDC patron, Pst Peter Mutia. He preached
from the book of Psalms 126:1-5.

Our FCP has been on forefront to make sure children are known, loved and protected. And so we
strive by all means to see this done. In deed we subscribe to Nelson Mandela’s saying; “Safety
and security don't just happen; they are the result of collective consensus and public investment.
We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and
fear.”   — Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa

26 th June, 2023 was highly anticipated and longed for by the CDC staffs, ASM, Church members
and caregivers and finally it dawned. 134 caregivers availed themselves, 3 CDC staff, Sub
County Children officer and one other children representative staff from the office of the sub
county Children’s office. Our hearts were truly gladdened that the Kyuso/Mumoni Sub county
children officer would facilitate this specific training. The training aligns with our partner plan
objectives i.e. before the end of financial we should hold children protection training to our

It seemed quite obvious to know who a child is but our facilitator never hesitated to define who a
child is.; any person below 18 years old is constitutionally referred to as a child. They are
deemed to be vulnerable to making irresponsible decisions and taking actions which are not wise
enough therefore comes the role of a caregiver to love and protect all children rights without
discrimination. Rights of Children include; Right to parental care, right to education, right to
religious education, protection from child labor, protection from abuse, protection from harmful
cultural rites, protection from sexual exploitation, from drugs and many other rights were well
mentioned and expounded in this meeting.

Parental responsibility and positive parenting was one of the major things discussed. It is the
uttermost call of all caregivers and parents to be sure that their children are responsibly brought
up and their rights respected. Some mentioned roles of a caregiver include; ensuring that a child
receives adequate diet, shelter, clothing, medical care and guidance.
In this specific training, ill cultural practices such as FGM and consenting to early marriages by
caregivers were called out and stern warning was issued to all who trespass. The parents were
encouraged to report to authorities any case of trespassing children rights and a promise of
finding justice and help was promised. The caregivers were well taught how to preserve evidence
in case of defilement and the need to report such cases immediately to the police as they take
victims to hospital.

a child is.; any person below 18 years old is constitutionally referred to as a child. They are deemed to be vulnerable to making irresponsible decisions and taking actions which are not wise enough therefore comes the role of a caregiver to love and protect all children rights without discrimination.
Caregivers under a tent

The caregivers were very happy to be trained on child protection. They asked several questions
concerning the authorities’ willingness and assurance to follow up on cases of children abuse
which was well assured. We trust that this will bear fruits and that we shall not just have
knowledge on Child protection but that children will be protected, loved and guided to make

sober decisions in our community. After training, the children officer promised to frequently
visit our FCP for more trainings on child protection. We really look forward to this!