AIDS is a Pandemic, there is no doubt about that! But it is
possible to stop its spread!
World AIDS Day is celebrated Globally every year since 1988 on 1 st of December.
This day is an international day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS
pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection and mourning those who've died
of the disease. The goal of the education been to reduce stigma, and encourage
testing and prevention methods.
We at Kanzinwa CDC joined the entire World in celebration of this day at 1 st of
December 2023.In red ribbons; About 100 CDC youths joined by their friends in
the community, some part time teachers and the project staff and a CHP joined in a
walk to the nearby market a distance of 6KM. There we were joined by a HTS
personnel from Katse Health Centre, the area chief and representatives from the
DCC office. Our main target was the youth and the community members.

Our chief goal was to create awareness on HIV/AIDS, how AIDS is spread,
methods of prevention, and importance of testing and as well encourage testing. In
accordance to the Years’ theme of the day; “Let the Communities Lead” we chose
to appreciate the community for the role that it has played to stand together with
those who are affected and infected by HIV /AIDS and as well call upon them to
keep in the frontline and spearhead the fight against HIV/AIDS.
The community in presence of the village headship the chief was well informed on
the role it plays to curb the spread of HIV/AIDS. These included;
Encouraging love and support for the infected. Say no to stigmatization.
Ensuring accessibility and affordability of services in the nearby health facilities
Holding service providers accountable.
Talking to youths and other people in different platforms concerning HIV/AIDS
Encouraging use of drugs among infected people.
Facilitating testing and counselling services among others. We encouraged the
community to know that with its involvement and leadership at the fore front, it is
possible to end AIDS as a pandemic by 2030

Talking to the community on how communities can take lead in the fight against AIDS
Targeting the youths, we spoke on the most common ways HIV is spread, through
vaginal fluid, semen and blood contact with an infected person. We made an outcry
to the youth letting them know by choosing to be responsible it is possible to curb
the spread of HIV/AIDS. All were encouraged to stay safe; to know their status
and take the necessary step; either to take drugs or else to be more careful not to
contact this disease. The HTS was very helpful to point out where our audience can
find services. Including health centers and the departments’ willingness
Abstinence among the young unmarried fellows, Use of condoms, being faithful to
one partner and knowing a partner’s status, use of PREP and PEP are some of the
preventive methods shared widely. Myths concerning AIDS were dispelled and the
truth about HIV/AIDS was shared.