In order for each of our registered beneficiary to interact with people in a healthy and compassionate manner, strategic, timely and effective implementation is key to this outcome and its three related indicators.

At our Frontline Church Partner and in the last Financial Year 19 we have implemented trails of activities that are aligned to this area of development. We normally have termly peer mentorship program, that is our 60 well performing and behaved registered beneficiaries in high school, colleges and universities out of 104 normally mentor, encourage, guide and counsel their junior beneficiaries so that they can exercise self-management, self and social awareness in making responsible life choices and exhibiting effective interpersonal relationship skills. This has motivated majority of our beneficiaries that has led to creation of a culture of excellence, positive spirit of competition and self-management.

On 3rd-7th December 2018 45 Strathmore University students and 5 lecturers camped at out FCP offering a free career mentorship program, guiding, counseling and encouraging 180 beneficiaries and 29 non-registered from neighboring community this enhances community ownership thus promoting local resource mobilization.

Fortunately we managed to get a volunteer who is a Mass Communication graduate and former intern at Kenya Broadcasting Corporation at our FCP in January 2019 who passionately commenced a journalism club amongst our beneficiaries  in primary school level who learns at our church based private primary school, this club comprises of 45 active members in grades 6-8 this has made beneficiaries to demonstrate interpersonal relationship skills which include effective verbal and non-verbal communication, building, relationships, negotiation, conflict management and refusing to participate in negative behaviors related activities. This has really ignited on languages; English and Kiswahili speaking in confidence. From the video clip are some of journalism club members who have gained courage and confidence to express themselves

We have an active scouts club of 35 registered beneficiaries who managed to get an invitation to State House in last year November 2018, they managed to go. This has brought a positive impact to respective beneficiaries for example exposure wise and career choosing.

We networked with KenGen power generating company which freely gave us 300 tree seedlings that our beneficiaries planted and each takes care of one tree every day. This makes them be responsible of their surrounding environment and themselves.


Our FCP has been zealously working with and for our registered beneficiaries to ensure that each of them exhibits the motivation and skills to be economically self-supporting.

To ensure that our beneficiaries completes at least primary school education we opened a church-based private primary school within the church in January 2015, our church-based private primary school is fully registered with the Ministry of Education. In the last two years our primary school  who have been candidates in grade 8 sat for Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) in 2017 and 2018. We have been recording 100% transition to respective High schools unlike if they were in public private schools where transition was as low as 40%. In 2017 we had 41 candidates while in 2018 we had 38. This has created confidence in all primary school going learners to believe in themselves. Leading candidate in 2017 scored 84% in Mathematics and a total of 368 marks and now in Mang’u high school as a result of this, he got full school scholarship till form 4 by that esteemed National school so we do not pay his school fees. In 2018 the leading candidate scored 92% in mathematics and 375 marks in KCPE and currently admitted in Meru school which is a National school as well.

For our beneficiaries to cultivate unique vocational interests and intelligence we have been networking and mobilizing resources such as textbooks, food stuffs which is brought by the project caregivers to support feeding program in our church based private primary school and since from 2015 we have never run short of food, this made us scrap out the commonest account 40 which is facilitated by the Compassion International Inc.  monthly support funds and local resources from the project caregivers, Moran publishers, Area Member of Parliament, and Strathmore University. On 3rd-7th December 2018 45 Strathmore University students and 5 lecturers camped at our FCP offering a free career mentorship program, guiding, counseling and encouraging 180 beneficiaries and 29 non-registered beneficiaries. We later networked with Strathmore University who gave our registered beneficiary number 00097 four years full scholarship of 1,300,000/= in form of university fees to pursue Bachelors in Commerce at their esteemed university in March 2019 intake. In total in Financial Year 19 we mobilized resources worthy 5,190,000/= all geared towards holistic development especially cognitive development.

And to ensure that our beneficiaries utilizes at least one income generating skill, we have been intensively been training our registered youths in agribusiness especially in germinating trees planting seedlings such as for mango, pawpaws and Melia volkensii locally known as Mukao, currently we have 3,500 various tree seedlings at the FCP, we have been selling them and banking cash from their sales to boast our survival ratio and as a step towards sustainability of the project.  We have 15 competent registered youths and 3 caregivers that have been intensively trained on ball making and they have excelled in that. We have been selling balls made by our registered beneficiaries and banking to increase our project survival ratio.

We opened a total of 175 minor bank accounts with Kenya Commercial Bank for our registered beneficiaries and over 45 for respective project caregivers and we commenced family income generating activities to respective beneficiaries using family gifts funds send to respective beneficiaries by their beloved supporters. For example beneficiaries numbers 0002 and 0124 owns motorcycles (bodaboda) that operates earns them 200/= or 2 US Dollars daily. Beneficiary number 0124 has over 200,000/= which is equivalent to 2,000 US Dollars in his minor bank account since we bought him the first motorcycle for this purpose in 2014. We normally encourage all our project caregivers and our supported beneficiaries.


We have been passionately and zealously been working towards making sure that each of our supported beneficiary demonstrates commitment to the Lordship of Christ as an FCP.

To ensure that each of our beneficiaries knows and understands the Bible, our project patron has been committing himself to attend Pastoral Program of Instructions (PPI) and intensively teach our beneficiaries in upper primary at our church-based private primary school on every Friday morning which is the first lesson on that day. This makes our 214 primary school going beneficiaries in our church-based private primary school. We have been training our beneficiaries on playing musical instruments and holding open air crusades that supported youths led.

We have been working closely with Global Youth Ministries in training all clergy servants and respective Sunday school teachers from which our beneficiaries attends either Sunday school or church service. We have check registers in all those church that tracks church attendance of all children and youths whether supported in this FCP or not and the project staffs they keenly and frequently monitor. Global Youth Ministry has chosen us to be the Eastern Region learning and teaching materials centre of distribution. We have a church that we are coaching on Children Ministry by the name Africa Inland Church Kathamba and we have distributed freely issued teaching and learning booklets to over 80 FCPs within the Country for the last one year. Global Youth Ministry personnel normally trains our beneficiaries on quarterly basis in various levels such as puppet ministry, momentum booklets levels 1 to 4 and Kuza App. This has made our beneficiaries know Gospel and has made a profession of faith appropriate of the universal Gospel of Christ.  

Our registered beneficiaries are actively and passionately practicing spiritual disciplines of prayer, Bible study, worship and study. This is vividly portrayed by the way our 214 beneficiaries conducts themselves before they start their studies at our church-based private primary school, they voluntarily conduct morning devotions and prayers before any lesson commences. We do not have Saturday programs since we normally implement curriculum on Tuesdays and Thursdays, our youths spares two hours on Saturdays to do community service especially door to door evangelism.

One of our stationery suppliers freely donated Bibles to the 15 Survival mothers who have really benefited from them.

We commenced a Sunday school feeding program since as a church we are blessed to have most of resources such as a modern kitchen, piped water, utensils etc and the church members contributes porridge flour. This made Sunday school enrollment from 84 to 156 children.


For project ownership, sustainability and succession squarely lies on respective stakeholders at Child Development Centre. And for effective FCP management project caregivers are very important key players that cannot neither be undermined nor ignored. Empowered families expands to a community and empowered communities translates to an empowered society.

We have been intensively engaging our project caregivers with an aim of empowering their living standards to above World Bank poverty line bearing in mind that statistical poverty index data is alarming in this community. To promote high literacy levels of the project caregivers we have an active adult class of 40 caregivers, they usually learn twice per week. They are in three categories of basic education, primary and secondary school levels, we intend to have them graduate and get certified by the ministry of education. We employed one survival mother who holds C+ plus in KCSE to teach adult class in primary school level, this is made to appreciate her education and serve as a role model.

We have intensively trained a group of 60 project caregivers on agribusiness especially tree seedlings; mango, pawpaw and Melia volkensi for selling and planting at their home gardens with an aim of putting a juice processing industry or plant in 5-8 years’ time. Currently they have over 1,800 seedlings at the project and they also sell to earn them income.

We have 40 project caregivers who are rearing dairy goats Toggenburg and currently they have 102 goats that produces a lot of milk for both domestic and commercial use.

We encouraged the project caregivers to open their bank accounts with KCB bank and currently 45 of them did so and frequently save for their families’ future use.

In FY 19 alone we renovated 24 houses using local contribution of bricks, sand, water and concrete and manpower of project caregivers grouped according to sub-regions that they come from to help the 24 families that benefited.  And 120,000/= for each from Compassion International Inc. Kenya. Kudos to Compassion International Inc.  Kenya for timely and effectively honoring their partnership agreement with our church here in Children Ministry


Child protection is the kingpost of Child Ministry here because we cannot neither release our supported beneficiaries from poverty in Jesus Mighty Name nor attain holistic development without prioritizing child protection matters.

We have built an excellent network concerning child protection especially with different County and National governments wings. And as a result of that our FCP is an active member of Area Advisory Committee and Court Users Committee which addresses child protection related issues at County level. This has really helped not even the registered beneficiaries but also the non-registered beneficiaries since both the bodies above addresses child protection issues at large.

We have a  good rapport with the area chief and he has been doing an intensive operation known as  ‘’ Operation rudisha mtoto shuleni” and by doing so he has taken over 25 minors to respective primary and high schools, he intervened whereabouts about two beneficiaries that we had exited numbers 0018 and 0063 and we reinstated these beneficiaries and are now happily benefitting from sponsorship in our FCP.

We are working hand in hand with the local area Sub County Children officer who has been training our children on Child protection issues quarterly as well as their caregivers, our supported beneficiaries attends court proceedings related to child protection issues and has a result we have an active human rights movement at our project which comprises of 42 active members.

We really exercise freedom of speech to all our supported beneficiaries by working with and for them. We normally have a listening hear to their needs, feelings, ideas, comments and suggestions. We normally give our youths a room to lead, some are members of PGMC (Project Gift Management Committee) members, actively participate in budgeting process, they normally  help in office work like conducting home visits and filing systems. And conducting community clean ups as a of giving back to the community


In order to attain physical outcome to each of our registered beneficiaries its three indicators below; choosing good health practices and is physically healthy, experiences reduced incidence of illness, nutriational deficiencies, and physical impediments. And taking responsibility for wise life choices about health and sexuality a numbers of initiatives are in place at our FCP.

We have an active, passionate and zealous group Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) champions for both 45 project registered youths and 25 caregivers that which inspects all homesteads levels of personal hygiene and sanitation and as a result over 80% of homesteads from which our registered beneficiaries has the following in place; a well aerated houses, pit latrines, utensils drying rack, cloth line, waste litter disposal pit well maintained home compounds. And as a result we have reduced personal hygiene and sanitation related illnesses prevalence from 25% to 5% amongst our supported beneficiaries, this is reflected in our monthly health reports. The 45 supported youths and 25 project caregivers conducts regular home visits in respective homesteads from which all our registered beneficiaries comes from to advice on what should be done and how and practically sets example by doing it. I mean they carry with them working tools such as rakes, slashers, brooms, mobber and mobbing buckets bought using support in account 45.

We as an FCP bought every supported beneficiary a 1,000 litres water tank, 2 gutters and 1 bag of cement for making water tank base to support the tank. This was a CIV funded initiative and it has recorded a positive impact especially in harvesting rain water which is safe for drinking.

We have been issuing grafted mango tree seedling to all project caregivers, 3 such seedlings annually for the last 4 years to plant in their respective homesteads and currently over 75% are bearing fruits that are consumed at family level to supplement their diet and sell the rest for income generation for respective homesteads from which our registered beneficiaries comes from.